Meet My Kids

Meet My Kids

22 Mar 2019

Etienne Saunders

I am...

4 and a 1/2 years old

My most random tantrum is... 

Crying because Mum gave me a hot chocolate, despite the fact that I'd just asked for it and had been continuously pestering her for it.

My first word was...


When I grow up I want to be...

A pilot/binman/firefighter, depending on what week it is and if I've just seen a pilot/bin man/firefighter

I’m happiest when I'm...

In the bath, reading stories, climbing trees, running with Mummy, playing with my cousins

My favourite animal is...



Christian Saunders

I am...

1 years old

My most random tantrum was...

crying because I wanted to be picked up, but once picked up, crying because I wanted to go back on the floor

My first word was... 

Dada (grrrr, I'm the one who carried you and gave birth to you! Dada's involvement was negligible!)

When I grow up I want to be...

A cupboard emptier - I love emptying cupboards!

I’m happiest...

When emptying cupboards, and when I'm not contained! - I currently hate the car seat/pram/any other form of detainment!

My favourite food is... 

7% of a roast dinner (93% I like to feed to the dog/high chair/floor)


By Etienne and Christian